jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


"Europe is moving forward".

- Europe is being painted
- Euro flashmob
- Europe is trendy
- European elections.

It is a set of initiatives symbolizing how Europe is being created: From a flashmob with a huge amount of students “moving Europe forward” to a recreation of Europe with ideas and hopes painted on a wide surface. The democratic construction tool will be shown holding   elections with political parties run by school students and constructive debates to build a solid Europe. To top it all off, European-flag bracelets will be made by students to wear on the day when all these events will be hold.

Expresing how we feel Europe is being built: using the metaphor by painting Europe with our hands on a big mural; by expresing with the flashmob that  "Europe is moving forward" working in a synchronic and co-ordinated way; and, by raising a democratic society with our simulated European elections.

All of the  E.S.O.  and bachiller students of our high school (I.E.S. Ciudad de Haro).

The rest of students, teachers  and families from I.E.S. Ciudad de Haro as well as all citizens informed by mass media.


We promoted  these funny iniciatives with plenty of posters inside and outside the school; in addition to this, by giving flyers and going to the classrooms to announce our activities.
Local radio invited us to inform about these iniciatives and several newspapers report about them and the big event hold in the school.

At first, we used recycled stuff such as recycled paper and empty bricks to make our material as well as simple things: For "European is being painted"  we used a long and big paper;  for "Europe is trendy"  we use simple colour elastic bands which children learnt to weave; for the flashmob we used a mixer and four speakers which we borrowed from  the high school.

We carried out these iniciatives and activities last Friday, April 4th 2014 in I.E.S. Ciudad de Haro, from 8.15 a.m. to 14.00 p.m.

We considered objectives have been achieved. All the iniciatives were carried out and we even add new workshops to the event that we had not planned at first place. School community has shown their approval and transmitted their congratulations to the team.


Every team member had an unforgetful Europe´s Day!!!!

Although there were very difficult problems to solve because we had to co-ordinate about a hundred  of kids for the flashmob, we are very satisfied and happy and we would repeat this experience or a similar one again. We are thankful to the boys and girls of the high school for taking part in the activities.

We learnt how to organize and work with that huge amount of people; how to plan and carry out our plans, having to solve unexpected situations and to make difficult decisions; how to work hand in hand with students, teachers and school staff; and specially, how hard and long term work is very rewarding in the end, the same as the long term work Europe is doing nowadays. In the end we know it will be very satisfactory.

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