sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014

Official day of the water. 22º of March

Hi again guys:
Today we are celebrating the Official day of the Water all around the world with all type of celebrations in order to preserve the good use of the global water instead of wasting it.
First of all, all the people of the planet able to use clean water must be educated in valuables ideas such as not wasting or polluting it, trying to succes in searching for new forms of transforming its power into  energy.
Secondly, we must inform to the youngest generations that they must take care of the nature and try to keep safe the few clean zones in the planet... And lots of ideas.

If you have any idea, comment it below.

That´s all for the time being!!!
Keep visiting us to keep you updated about important days, and the events and activities we are preparing.
Thank you for visiting!!!!

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